Thursday, April 18, 2013

Love, Eat, Pray

Air conditioning can't cool the warmth the heart feels from months of giggling...

The warm, nurturing soul food that wraps their arms around the table and brings back what you've always known as family...

...but not in the traditional, on your knees way....
although there have been moments when I've felt like begging

Monday, April 15, 2013


I think we need a password, or let's make that a pass-sentence.
That way, in case you ever come to my door in an emergency and God and I are busy inside,
we could just shout, Tell us the password!  if you really want to snuggle.
And part of that password will be you knowing it is really...a pass-sentence. And here it is in all its glory and truth:

Love kicks the ass of time and space.

Upon hearing that God and I would look at each other bewildered, but with delight. We would be glad someone had reached us...with the golden key on their tongue.
Though just to make sure we heard you right we might say in unison, Sing it loudly, baby! Cut loose! We need to double check!
And then if you did, a strength and smile might rise inside of you, and right next to my heart you might be for a moment...beaming like an eye that knows.

Don't forget now: LKTAOTAS

Maybe even tattoo that somewhere so you will remember.