Saturday, July 30, 2011

Skipping in the Rain

This is what happens when you hike in the Sierras through a thunder storm!!
The hike to Sunrise Lakes started out simply enough at the banks of Tenaya Lake, a large lake in the Yosemite High Country!!  The banks are shallow and rocky and it was hard to not jump right in!!  But onward with the crossing right off the bat.  Gentle upward meandering trail through pine and flowers.....
We got to a beautiful outcropping of boulders and decided to climb around.....a stream was in the distance so  we decided to do a bit of cross-country (off trail) hiking to it.....setting our pinpoints with distant domes and peaks so we could tell our way back (just in case).....the stream was AMAZING and opened up to a large swimming hole, which of course we ended up swimming in....there was a natural water slide there too...we thought, due to our cross country trek, that we were alone in the middle of everywhere.....that is until 8 people walked by on their way to another water slide!!
We continued our cross country walk in the direction of the trail now...the sun peaking in and out of the clouds...up we went, the Lakes are a 1300 foot elevation gain, the mosquitoes were relentless!!  We stopped to eat lunch more than mid way up when the rain drops started and ominous clouds rolled in...wondering what to do, we decided that if the thunder clapped once more, we would head back down.  It is NOT smart to hike on a mountain top in a thunder (and lightning) storm!!
SO DOWN WE WENT....and the rain came harder and the thunder more often and it was so much fun and so exciting, and I just HAD to skip!!
Well, miles later, soaking wet again, hailed upon and mosquito bitten we made it back to the car....
At the parking lot exit, to the left (towards the Valley) was blue the right were black clouds and the possibility of more rain and thunder.....
So guess which way we went????

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I've been keeping a secret!!

And now it's out!!  I have been in training to be a Team Lead at the Village Store for a few weeks and now it is official!!  I went back and forth as to weather or not I wanted to do it, but decided,  why not??  It's a tiny bit more money, and it wreaked havoc on my schedule, but I think all in all it will be fun to have a hand in the daily operations of the store.  :)

Can you believe I kept this a secret for so long Mom and Dad??!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

North Dome Hike...8.4 Miles.....360* Views!!!

Hiked to North Dome today.  Started on Tioga Road.....8.4 miles round trip...Most amazing views of Half Dome, the Valley, Clouds Rest, and pretty much everything all around!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


There's a fine line between bond and bondage......can you need some one so much, or maybe not even need them, but just think they have the answers, that you hold on to them too tightly?  If there is something really there won't it wait to be found?  When we open ourselves up to some one else, it should be slowly, in all ways.  Too much too soon is never a good start.  Too much information to process is stressful and often things get left out and it just leaves you wondering what the truth is.  Yes, I am learning how to slow down finally.  Looking before I life in the slow lane...Oh sure, I find myself with the pedal to the medal at times, but really I think that parking the car and just staring at the view is a pretty good idea..............

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I can ride my bike with no handlebars...;)

Road my bike home through pitch black save my head light which creates a tunnel of trees on windy path that can barely be seen when car or shuttle bus with oncoming lights blinds my way.............
Note to self: Keep head light batteries charged!!!